Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Talking 'Bout My Generation

All you have to do is sit on a bus at 11am on any weekday of your choice. This is the socially acceptable time for the elderly to escape from their houses and venture to the shops in search of a new headscarf or even a few vegetables. Sitting at the back of the bus, you only have to take your headphones out of your ears and listen to what these miscreants are saying about the 'yoof' today. "They're rude", "they don't know anything", "they sit on their computers all day". A chorus of approval will often follow these remarks and the number 7 bus to Southend turns more preachy than Antony Gormley's plinth in London.

So I sit at the back of the bus in disbelief. As a generation, are we really that disrespected? Yes these old folk may have won the war. But give us a totalitarian dictator for our generation and we'll use our strategy skills that we've learned from years on Football Manager to decimate them in minutes.

(attempts to get back on track)

O.K so with this experience fresh at the back of my mind, I did what any teenager does and spent countless and pointless hours on Facebook. To my horror, the wrinklies are right. Our generation is full of total and utter bimbos. I know Facebook Groups are pretty flimsy evidence as to judge the intellect of the 'yoof' today, but I was amazed at a) the naivety of some people and b) how out of touch the 'yoof' is.

For example, a group entitled 'No school days on Friday, need 5 million students to join' had me shaking my head. An American child thought that Facebook was now the place to overthrow Government legislation (I suppose after dethroning dictators like Simon Cowell people thought anything was possible) and was convincing children everywhere to join. Just join the group. Nothing else, click a button and watch the protest get a head of steam. On the 'Info' tab of the group, it states 'Facebook contacted us and stated we really do have a chance'. Oh hallelujah! Now that invaluable political tool Facebook is on board, we really do have a chance of. . . . what total and utter horse shit. I'm sorry I thought we were better than that. I thought with everything a teenager has at their disposal we could make better decisions and be slightly more rational. Not this. Not for one moment can a child seriously think a House of Commons debate will begin with: 'Mr Speaker, I have been scouring Facebook (that might get some MP's in trouble for different reasons) and children want Friday's off school. If we don't act now, they could set up another Facebook group to appeal. It could get out of hand quickly..." Yeah you get the idea, ludicrous (as one of my more mentally challenged Uni friends would say).

I'm sorry this has descended into a rant. I will actually start blogging proper news stuff soon. But while I'm at home with nothing better to do than sit on Facebook all day and watch our generation commit social suicide, I'm going to get angry about it.

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